Consistent with the university's action to responsibly ensure a healthy campus, the Center for Career and Professional Development has adapted the following services to ensure continued support for your career and professional development needs.

Career Resources
Once again, its Handshake for the win! There you can access all of our resources. You will find a broad range of topics and information that can support many career questions 24/7. This includes access to our new guides, which walk you through resumes, cover letters, interviewing, job or internship searching and networking.

Remote Career Lab
Career Lab is designed to provide you an easy way to ask questions and request help, whether it be - you’re not sure where to get started or questions around career exploration, or you need a resume or cover letter review, questions around your internship or job search, or you just got an offer and you need feedback. All of these questions can still be addressed in the remote Career Lab by a live career coach. Career Lab is available through Zoom (video conferencing platform). In order to access the Zoom link, log in to your Handshake account, click events, search Career Lab and the date you would like to attend. The Zoom link will be embedded in the description of the event. Please utilize Career Lab to address career questions related to resumes, cover letters, job and internship search, interviewing, networking, Lehigh Connects, LinkedIn, and job offers.

Go to to activate your LEHIGH pro account if you have never logged in. (Getting started with Zoom). Please be sure to set up your profile as part of the sign up process. This is a group meeting, and we welcome multiple students to join us throughout the day for video questions or sending questions on the chat feature.
Writing a resume and cover letter
Review the resume tile or cover letter tile on the Handshake resource page first, so you can start with a strong draft of your document(s). Then visit us at Career Lab for a review!
1-on-1 Coaching Appointments
Many of the coaches are working remotely but remain available to meet with you virtually. Continue to schedule appointments to discuss career exploration and internship and job search planning as well as Mock Interviews. Schedule your appointment on Handshake and you can preference a Zoom or phone appointment. You will either share the number where your coach can reach you or your career coach will be in touch with you with details for connecting through zoom.
Digital Interviews
With most of the country now moving to social distancing, you should also expect that employers will use digital tools to host interviews. Be prepared to use tech in your next interview by testing the software, practicing online and prepping your environment. Check out these articles and resources for more help and tips.
Hire Lehigh Blog - Digital Interviews
Utilize Big Interview to practice prior to your interview
The Career Center will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our virtual services. Please feel free to reach out with questions or feedback at any time to
